Whoohoo! I won an award. Thank you!

The lovely Marci Wise, of Marci Wise.com has nominated this humble little blog of mine for an award. I’m so grateful for this and thank Marci for the lovely recognition, especially as the Cynthia Curry is fairly new.

However, the way I see it, the information I share is not mine, it’s from the teachers who’s work I reference and share. I’m just glad to have the opportunity to learn and grow and share with you.



The rules for the Liebster Aware are these:

The rules are for the Liebster Award: 

  • Each nominee must link back the person who nominated them.
  • Answer the 10 questions which are given to you by the nominator.
  • Nominate 10 other bloggers for this award that has less than 200 followers.
  • Create 10 questions for your nominees to answer.
  • Let the nominees know that they have been nominated by going to their blog and      notifying them

I love that this is a community building exercise and helps promote blogs that I love and recognise as inspiring and uplifting. So here are my answers to Marci’s questions. I wanted to do this as a podcast so you could listen to my answers, but I had a few technical difficulties and I just can’t seem to get my mike working. ~( Clearly, I’m not the most tech savvy of people!)

1. How would I sum up my blog in a single sentence?

Its a process for me to share the tactics and strategies that I’m learning and using to overcome the CRAP (Conflicts, Resistances, Anxieties and other Problems) of life, to get past the negative we cling to and to move into a happier, more content and satisfying life and for you to use them and move forward to.

2. If I could have dinner with 2 people, who would it by and why?

The first would be my mum, Hazel. She died when she was only 47 and I was 25, nearly 22 years ago. I just want to talk to her, ask her if I’m doing okay, if she’s proud of me, make sure she’s happy and to ask for guidance in the family problems we always seem to have and for advice for my own future.

The second guest would be my very much alive father. He’s not a part of my life, it’s been a few years since we last spoke, which was when I’d asked him why he had been an abusive bully and emotionally cruel father to all of his 4 children. I would want to ask those same questions and to ask why he had been such as asshole to my mother, and to ask what he thinks of his behaviour as he looks back now. Although, unless he’s changed much, he’s so self absorbed that he probably still sees no wrong in his actions.

3. Do I have a saying or motto?

Not really. Sometimes, I’ll catch myself saying something like, ‘That’s bloody typical’, or ‘That’s just my luck’, when something horrible happens, which shows I’m holding some limited belief that needs to be worked on and cleared. And when I’ve hit a barrier I’ll use say something like ‘Aie, yie, yie!’ rather than swearing, which is what people in Ireland usually do!

4. If I won the lottery, what would be the first thing I’d spend money on?

What I’d do immediately the win was confirmed and the money transferred to my bank account is to book into a luxury 5 star country hotel., one of those ones with great big soft comfy sofas in front of big roaring log fires and they would have to welcome dogs too. I’d take myself and the dogs off for a week or two to get away from everything and plan what to do to create a long term strategy to provide a great life for my future.

5. If I could only eat one food for the rest of my life, what would it be?

I fell into the Irish stereotype for years and would have said potatoes for most of my life because you can boil them, mash them, roast them, chip them, sauté them etc. But now, I think I would say tomatoes.

6. What’s the best advice I’ve ever been given?

‘Do what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, whether you like it or not’ and ‘Don’t let the past define your present nor shape your future.’

7. What do I do to cheer myself up?

One my closest friends was really low recently and after some coaching, I suggested she really needed a good laugh and she was going to go and watch some Billy Connelly. I hadn’t thought about watching a comic for a long time and that sounded like a good idea to me, so I searched Youtube and found a Billy Connelly performance that had me crying with laughter in minutes.

Usually, what I do is walk the dogs to clear my head, or if that’s not possible I’ll repeat my 3 word mantra, focus on something beautiful in front of me, or a stress relieving Qi Jung exercise.

8. What one thing would I change to help the environment?

I’d make everyone a vegetarian.

9. Most embarrassing moment?

I truly can’t remember any. I’m sure there have been some but the good news is they have no emotional charge to embarrass or humiliate me any longer.

10. Who is my greatest inspiration?

My mum, who had a horrible childhood and a dreadful marriage and yet she stayed warm, welcoming and loving. She was one of those few people who treats everyone they meet as truly equal and valuable and worthy of her time, attention and love. She gave love away like it was the most precious gift and yet freely available to all.

And now, it’s my turn to nominate some great blogs:

A Penny for your thoughts

Vegan Bloggers Unite

Adventures of a Dogmom

Ideas and I

Views from the lifeboat

Another bag, More Travel

You are music

Rowdy Kittens


Behavioural Science

And my 10 questions are:

1. You are half way to a concert/play/movie theatre when you remember you haven’t locked the door, do you go back or carry on with your evening?

2. What gives you a big old goofy happy smile?

3. Do you clockwatch or let the day flow naturally?

4. What colours instantly lift your mood when you see them? 

5. If you woke up and discovered all your neighbours had been abducted by aliens, what would you do?

6. What activity makes you slow down and appreciate your life, just as it is?

7. Reality tv or scripted drama?

8. Romance or horror?

9. If you live to 125 years old, what would you like to look back on and say ‘I did that?’

10. What challenge are you currently facing and how are you tackling it?

Thanks again for the nomination and if you want to answer the questions in the comments box, please do. I’d love to read your answers.


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