Change you life tactic: Pay attention to the present moment

I’ve been a having a couple of off days.

Not days off but off days.

Big difference, I’d switched off my consciousness, I’d fallen back into old habits and allowed myself to get stuck on that negativity treadmill.

I knew this, I felt it  and despite all the neuroscience, behavioural psychology and personal development stuff, I just got stuck there.

I started having those horrible, dispiriting dialogues in my head that help and support no-one, especially not the one who needs that support and encouragement the most – Me!

So, to start pulling myself out of the mire, I took myself out for a walk with the dogs. All the way out and around the park, I kept having the same CRAP go round and round in my head.


Walking home, I had had it with this CRAP!

I took a couple of deep breaths, and I did what I keep telling you to do, I put myself in the present moment and I got mindful.

I was wrapped up warm and I was able to appreciate my warm hands and body, thanks to my hat and coat and gloves.

Another breath and I looked to my left and there was my lovely Reilly, trotting along beside me, his black coat so shiny and soft and inviting like deep velvet.

I felt the tug of the leash in my right hand and there’s Amelia, always wanting to go faster than I’m going, wanting to dash off to explore the sights and scents of the path.

my babies

Another breath and I was able to feel the stillness of the sheltered path I was taking between the park and my home, the rain had stopped, the wind had died down, it was peaceful and still.

I splashed through the puddles in my wellies and listened to the soft gentle noises of the dogs and I as we walked back home after our walk.

Do I feel better now?

Yes, I do. I have all I need here and now, everything is great.

Yes, I have stuff to sort out, and I’ll get it done, piece by piece, by staying conscious, stress free and appreciating the good I have right now, and not being swept up in the CRAP.

I’m a Work in Progress, but I believe that so long as some progress is being made, you stay ahead of the circumstance you think is dragging you down. So keep working on your ‘changing your life tactics’, and they surely will.

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